The PlugVolt Annual Battery Seminar is Scheduled for July 16-18, 2019

The PlugVolt Annual Battery Seminar is Scheduled for July 16-18, 2019

Gamry Instruments will be attending PlugVolt’s annual Battery Seminar from July 16th thru July 18th, 2019.  This seminar is the Battery Indusry’s most anticipated event and the theme this year is “Conference fostering joint development efforts to advance energy storage solutions”.

Key event highlights for this year include an entire day of in-depth training by Exponent on battery design considerations, manufacturing best practices, thermal runaway events, failure analyses, battery management systems (BMS) etc. In addition all event attendees will get an exclusive opportunity to tour the 100,000+ square-foot Intertek Battery Testing Center of Excellence to learn about the latest testing methods for batteries of all sizes from coin-cell through electric vehicles. Intertek performs a variety of tests out of this facility, to industry and global standards, including life-cycling, vibration, environmental, abuse and safety certifications. See this facility firsthand and ask questions to resident experts, and enjoy some light appetizers and beverages while networking with industry peers.

Gamry Instruments is pleased to attend this event and will be exhibiting electrochemical instrumentation with a focus on the Reference 3000 and 3000AE potentiostats.  The Reference 3000 is a high-current, high-performance potentiostat well suited for researchers studying batteries, fuel cells or supercapacitors as well as general physical electrochemistry experiments requiring high voltages and high currents.

For more information and to register for the event, please visit the PlugVolt Battery Seminar web site.

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